Security is of paramount importance in ST Logistics and it is a core feature in all our business dealings and service offerings. We are staffed with many former experienced military personnel and we employ only Singaporean for all our Defence and Military sector solutions.

We have a well established Security Management System that is certified to the ISO 28000:2007 Security Management System for the Supply Chain, and we use an established structured process to ensure compliance to stringent security requirements. Our facilities, processes, services and systems are in compliance with military and defence security requirements and best practice.

We have a well defined Defence in Depth security framework to anticipate and mitigate security risks and it is fully effective in protecting our people, customer, freight, owned and managed assets and confidential information. We adhere to worldwide systems and procedures for reporting, investigating and resolving security issues. We do this to ensure our customers peace of mind, to keep our people safe and to enable us to deliver safe, secured and reliable logistics solutions.