Smart Urban Logistics for a Smart Nation

08 Oct 2018

A Smart Nation – one where people are empowered by technology to lead meaningful and fulfilled lives, achieved through harnessing the power of high-speed networks, rich data and info-comm technologies. Defined by the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office as such, we at ST Logistics also believe that all of us have a role to play in achieving this.

The country we live in comprises of a relatively young society but one that is no stranger to rapid development. It is one of the most digitally connected places in the world augmented by an educated population we can mobilize. With current technological advances, it is so much easier to connect, sense and respond. But the task of building on this “Smartness” goes beyond technology and digital infrastructure.

We must not lose the human, societal and institutional aspects that determine the pace at which we lead this development. We must avoid viewing technology as our only solution. As per the earlier defined “Smart Nation”, there is a call for a fundamental recognition that we “the nation” have to be willing to challenge the status quo, to creatively deconstruct not just systems but also behaviours and assumptions.  

It is instead important, that we develop supply chain solutions with an ecosystem approach. We must also work together, share information and capacities, and collaborate. At the same time, we need to provide career paths that upgrade the workers’ skills, qualifications and aspirations amidst the technological advances.

With both technology and the right people working together, indeed Singapore will grow to be a Smart Nation.

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