May Day 2024: #EveryWorkerMatters

01 May 2024

At the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) May Day Rally this morning, ST Logistics stood shoulder to shoulder with industry partners and tripartite champions, weaving ourselves into the fabric of Singapore’s Labour Movement. 

In his opening address, NTUC Chief Ng Chee Meng, paid a heartwarming tribute to PM Lee Hsien Loong for his strong leadership and contributions to Singapore, including championing tripartism, which has been crucial to our nation’s success and prosperity.

In poignant moments, we hung on every word as PM Lee, with a deep sense of duty and humility, delivered his final May Day keynote address as prime minister. His speech underscored the unity and collective resilience that pulse through the veins of Singapore, the Labour Movement and our community.

At the core of ST Logistics beats the mantra #EveryWorkerMatters. This isn’t just a mere slogan; it encapsulates the essence of our mission, propelling us to prioritise people and humanity in all our endeavours. 

This May Day celebration also reflects our recent progress with the Supply Chain Employees’ Union (SCEU), marked by an MOU and collective agreement promising to enhance the lives of employees through better benefits and increased training opportunities. 

As we champion the spirit of #Unity and #Progress, we’re diligently shaping our future—one innovative initiative at a time. Join us as we honour this enduring legacy and forge a resilient path forward.

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